Necessarily, it is no longer necessary to erect the pseudo democratic Potemkin backdrops for example, spending time on shoestring elections and verbal nods to the UN human rights conventions both countries have signed most of the conventions and have perfect human rights clauses in their constitutions No, this alliance does not even pretend to be an illiberal democracy à la Orbán. We are talking about pure dictatorship. In a way, a concrete, honest realist tone has entered world politics. A drastic Illusionsloyse, if you will. We seem to be entering a new era, the end of the post war temptations to civilize politics and make war a crime. Since ancient times, the core question in politics has been freedom versus tyranny.
With the Lavrov new world order, this question has become acute again, but now extra clear in the international system. Re Stalinisation Because after the Ukraine war, there is no longer any doubt about the Russian regime. A re Stalinization is taking place where all approaches to political pluralism are to be killed and elections become predictable knee bends. The judiciary has become a slavish sic. henchman of the regime whatsapp mobile number list that covers up political murders with or without poison. The confederation of despots We see a new drastic form of regime taking shape in Russia anti Western, pan Slavic imperialism in combination with anti democratic power grabs, reactionary Christianity and raw, kleptocratic capitalism.
A new age brew of ancient and super technological forms of rulership that makes control of the people a science and makes Orwell s Big Brother appear like a pre senile grandfather It is this system, together with Xi Jiping s Han Chinese totalitarian surveillance capitalism, that will now be the future. Defenders of democracy have never been more vital. De humanisation We also see this tendency in language Putinism de humanises the Ukrainians and brands them as Nazis unworthy of their own state. At the same time, they are called brothers and Little Russians.