Tires, gas, oil. Insurance, registration Telephone Number List fees, and licenses. If you opt to claim your actual expenses, you must first of all ascertain your total expenses, and then divide your total expenses between business use and personal use, based on the number of miles Telephone Number List driven for each purpose. You can claim your business related parking fees and tolls as an additional deduction, whichever method you use. If you are an Telephone Number List employee, you cannot deduct any interest paid on a car loan.
This applies even if the car is used 100% for business. However, if you are self-employed you can deduct the part of the interest expense Telephone Number List that represents the business use of the car. The cost of traveling between home and regular job is considered commuting expenses and is not deductible. If you have two workplaces, you can deduct Telephone Number List the cost of traveling from one workplace to the other.
Business use of your home Telephone Number List deduction You can claim a deduction for the business use of your home if you use part of your home for your employer's business. There are some tests that you must meet to be eligible for this Telephone Number List deduction: To deduct expenses for business use of the home, part of your home must be used regularly and exclusively for your employer's business.